ICM - Conditionals and Functions

by Simon M. Jensen - September 19, 2017

This week we worked with loops and conditionals. Our homework assignment was to create a sketch that included the following:

The extra material this week was a link to ProgrammingDesignSystems by Rune Madsen. I decided to try to replicate one of the illustrations that was provided on the website, as I imagined it would contain many of the functions we went over in class as well as conditions, if statements and loops.


The image shows the illustration by Rune. It is a shape where you can drag each corner to a new location and the coordinates will update accordingly on the right side.

I decided to approach this task using a “Circle” Object. My theory was that using a “isInside” and “mouseIsPressed” function you would be able to drag the circle around on the screen. I then initialized 3 additional circle-objects. These served as the corners of my square. The 4 circles were connected using a “beginShape” / “Endshape” function and the “fill” function was utilized to visualize the shape. It ended up looking like this:

The code can be seen here:

//object circle
var Circle = function(x, y, d) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.diameter = d;
  this.time = 0;
  this.outline = 1;
  this.display = function() {
    fill(200, 100, 100, 50);
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.diameter, this.diameter);
  this.isInside = function() {
    var d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y)
    if (d < this.diameter / 2) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  this.drag = function() {
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, this.diameter, this.diameter);

//set boolean isInside to false
var isInside = false;
var time = 0;
var outlineSpeed = 0.025;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  circle1 = new Circle(random(width / 2), random(height / 2), 30);
  circle2 = new Circle(random(width / 2, width), random(0, height / 2), 30);
  circle3 = new Circle(random(width / 2), random(height / 2, height), 30);
  circle4 = new Circle(random(width / 2, width), random(height / 2, height), 30);


function draw() {
  background(220, 200, 200);

  circle1.outline = circle1.outline + outlineSpeed;
  if (circle1.outline > 3 || circle1.outline < 0.2) {
    outlineSpeed = outlineSpeed * -1;

  circle2.outline = circle2.outline + outlineSpeed;
  if (circle2.outline > 3 || circle2.outline < 0.2) {
    outlineSpeed = outlineSpeed * -1;

  circle3.outline = circle3.outline + outlineSpeed;
  if (circle3.outline > 3 || circle3.outline < 0.2) {
    outlineSpeed = outlineSpeed * -1;

  circle4.outline = circle4.outline + outlineSpeed;
  if (circle4.outline > 3 || circle4.outline < 0.2) {
    outlineSpeed = outlineSpeed * -1;

  fill(200, 100, 100)
  vertex(circle1.x, circle1.y)
  vertex(circle2.x, circle2.y)
  vertex(circle4.x, circle4.y)
  vertex(circle3.x, circle3.y)


  if (mouseIsPressed && circle1.isInside()) {
    circle1.x = mouseX;
    circle1.y = mouseY;
    text("Circle x:" + int(circle1.x) + " y:" + int(circle1.y), circle1.x + 20, circle1.y);

  if (mouseIsPressed && circle2.isInside()) {
    circle2.x = mouseX;
    circle2.y = mouseY;
    text("Circle x:" + int(circle2.x) + " y:" + int(circle2.y), circle2.x + 20, circle2.y);

  if (mouseIsPressed && circle3.isInside()) {
    circle3.x = mouseX;
    circle3.y = mouseY;
    text("Circle x:" + int(circle3.x) + " y:" + int(circle3.y), circle3.x + 20, circle3.y);

  if (mouseIsPressed && circle4.isInside()) {
    circle4.x = mouseX;
    circle4.y = mouseY;
    text("Circle x:" + int(circle4.x) + " y:" + int(circle4.y), circle4.x + 20, circle4.y);