Masters Thesis University of Copenhagen
"The ageing muscle: Macrophage Kinetics and Local Inflammation in Response to Resistance Training."
Research project investigating the age-related changes in human skeletal muscle with emphasis on immune- and stem cells. This final project concluded my Masters Degree in Human physiology from University of Copenhagen.
The research is currently being rewritten into a scientific publication to be released in an international journal. The research, data collection and analysis was performed at Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen. It was written over the course of 18 months while contributing to other projects that have now been published in Experimental Gerontology and American Journal of Physiology . This work served as my Graduate Thesis and was defended with a public oral presentation at University of Copenhagen.

The work was performed under guidance of Prof. Dr.Med. Michael Kjær and Prof. Jørgen Wojtaszewski. It involved collection of tissue samples from human test subjects that were stained using immunohistochemistry and analyzed using microscopy. The abstract is available when clicking the image below.

A full version of the thesis can be accessed by clicking the link.