Tangible interactions - Control for ImageJ

Our assignment for next week is to build a USB HID (human interface device) for a specific purpose. This blogpost is intended to elaborate in the idea that I have for the project.
Data representation of a weekend

Expose a signal from some under-represented part of your body and try to correlate it with something from the environment.
Tangible Interactions - Midi Controller

Make a device to control playback of synthesized or pre-recorded music using MIDI. Your device will send MIDI messages to another device which will play the music.
Rest of You - Digital Footprint

This weeks assignment was to explore our online digital footprints. It could be anything from Google, Facebook, Twitter, packet sniffing, keylogging etc. Then analyze the information and find patterns in the data.
Computational typo Final - Robotjs generated text

For the final project I revisited a prior assignment from the first weeks of this class. I wanted to create something that looked like human handwriting with an ink-pen.
Computational typography moving text

This week we were talking about the meaning of moving text. We were addressing whether the movement of text could add extra meaning to a word or a sentence.
Understanding networks Final - Restful API

Assignment : “Over the next three weeks, you’ll design RESTful web interface to a physical device. Your device can either be a controller that sends data to the web interface, or an actuator that is controlled by the web interface.”
Computational approach to typography 3rd assignment

This weeks assignment was to create a piece that exploits the possibilities of computation. The constraints were only to use HTML, CSS and Javascript to create the piece, and manipulate all elements programmatically - no existing marked-up text!
Computational approach to typography

This weeks assignment was to create a computer program that produces asemic writing. The program could imitate the motion of physical writing or suggest the appearance of written language.
Networks of New York - a book report

Networks of New York - “An Illustrated Field Guide To Urban Internet Structure” by Ingrid Burrington. I was assigned this book to do a book report in the Understanding Networks class.
Designing for Digital Fabrication - Rhino

This week for Designing for Digital Fabrication I am presenting on the Rhinoceros® CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) software - Also referred to as Rhino. It is developed by Robert McNeel and Associates.
Computational approaches to Typo - ANSI-Terminal

This week we were introduced to xterm.js - a terminal emulator written in Javascript. We were asked to experiment with the content and create our own terminal sequence which could either be a short “sketch” - playing with colors or randomness.
Understanding Networks - Package Sniffing

This weeks assignment was to explore package sniffing. The past few weeks we have been introduced to programs like Herbivore and Wireshark for capturing and analyzing traffic on our home networks.
Designing for Digital Fabrication - Midterm pt 1.

Ask proposed for the midterm project I have been working on replicating an oil painting into a mosaic picture. The idea was to take an already existing image and run it through processing sketch that turns the pixels into tiles. These tiles would be located in a grid system similar to the image below.

This week in live-web we were working on webRTC (real time communication). This also introduced us to HTTPS to set up a secure connection for our pages using keys and certificates. Our assignment was to create something using the ability to share camera images.
Designing for Digital fabrication - Project Proposal

For this project I would like to convert a painting into a mosaic piece. Using a “tile” sketch and a “color/contour” sketch made in processing my idea is to import it into Vectorworks and laser-etch tile instructions to a surface - to which I will add glass mosaic.
Understanding Networks - TraceRoute

This week in Understanding Networks our assignment was to explore the TraceRoute commando. TraceRoute is a computer network diagnostic tool displaying paths and measuring transit delays of packets across an IP network.
Designing for digital fabrication - CAD assignment

In this class we were introduced to VectorWorks. VectorWorks is a 2D and 3D design software that we can use for design/prototyping of projects we want to manufacture on the LaserCutters, 3D printers or the CNC-router. The assignment was to choose a physical object and recreate it 1:1 in VectorWorks displaying it from three different angles.
Understanding Networks - Ball Socket game

In the first class of understanding networks we were introduced to different network dynamics. We learned how computers connect to routers and what IP addresses are. We were introduced to centralized networks, distributed networks and investigated several real life networks - roadmaps, flightmaps, energy - and oilgrids, and their structure. Also we were introduced to the (OSI) Open systems Interconnection Reference Model.
LiveWeb - Self-portrait with video

The first assignment in this class was to make a self-portrait using video and some form of user interaction. Aside from this the assignment was open to interpretation - and we could portray ourselves in whatever way we wanted.

For my nature of code final I wanted to combine two topics that we had worked with during the semester. One being a physics library (matter.js) Another being genetic algorithms.

For the midterm in “API of you” we had to collect a dataset based on ourselves. From the data we had to create a .json file that would display our collected information in an interesting way.

This week we were introduced to different programs for animation: three.js and d3.js. Our assignment was to get familiar with one of them and create a sketch using data from a different source.

For the “Mashups - creating with API’s” midterm we were asked to create a single page web experience that would respond to user input and return data from at least two public web API’s.
Nature of Code - Random Walker

This week we expanded on the random walker concept. We were introduced to different ideas and had a brief introduction to vectors. The assignment for next class was to come up with some different iterations of the random walker sketch.

The midterm project. Two weeks and a chance to use what we have learned in class so far. We were put in groups of two and the assignment was to come up with an interactive product to show in class.